Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Breakfast: A paper bowl of Special K Cereal, with roughly 1/2 C Skim milk, and a banana
1 C water

Lunch: a tuna fish sandwich - 3 oz albacore tuna, 1 Tbs Olive oil mayo, and some pickles, a slice of mozzarella cheese, 2 slices of wheat bread.

2 Cups water

No exercise yet... hurting from some stretches I did yesterday

Snack: Apple

Walked 4 blocks round trip to the video store (about 15 min)

Snack: Banana
Snack: Slice of Mozzarella cheese

Dinner: 1 fajita (1 tortilla, some cheddar cheese, chicken, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms)
1 slice of an apple
2 Cups water

Night snack: Hot chocolate, and I think I had some cereal